My name is Robert Eslick I was born and raised in Northern California. There I lived with my mom, dad, sister, and brother. Every job I ever had I proven myself in. From Landscaping, to Catering, to Sales & Management, and now I'm working as a Professional Recording/Mixing/& Mastering Engineer out of Los Angeles, CA. I wasn't always on top of my game though. I had made a change for the worst in the summer of 2008, but the knowledge that I had gained from that decision would help shape me into the person that I am today.
Growing up in Northern California was an experience on it's own. Everything there is very slow paced, even though we all worked hard and diligently to get the job done and do it well. We would still be the last on the list to receive shipments, and products. So at a very young age of 12 I was taught patients and how to plan ahead. At that time in my life I wasn't like the rest of the kids, sure I like to play outside and cause chaos, but I was more into work and being professional.
Most of which came from my Father, one of the hardest working individuals I know. Day in and day out he would work to keep food on the table and a roof over our head, and I respected that. I also got a good amount of knowledge from my mother too. She taught me how to be respectful, and courteous. Whether it be with language or presence, I was always kind to my peers but never let anyone walk over me. I found that out at 14 when I was doing a maintenance job for this guy and he didn't pay me all the money. The next week I came back and told him I wouldn't be working with him no longer, because he had not paid me properly for the work that I had done. The guy eventually requested me back and paid me correctly from that point on, but in order to get ahead in any business you got to know what your worth. The saying goes "You only amount to how high you set your bar" and I believe that one hundred percent. My sister is only a year older than I so we would constantly fight with each other, but I learned to love her over time. She is one of the most inspiring, gentle souls you will ever meet. For my brother we are over a decade apart, so our differences never came into play. That is until I started going through my teen years and becoming defiant towards others. Again though, through all the bad issues we have had. Me and him are closer now than we were ever before, he taught me a lot about how to stand up for yourself and be a good salesman. If it wasn't for him and my dad I would not know where to put my foot down.
Growing up with a full family was different for us, not in a bad way. It was just because everyone I knew their parents were either divorced or widowed. So I was very fortunate to get both sides of my family and have them support me with what ever I was doing.
Past Jobs;
My first job ever was in Landscaping, doing maintenance. I was 12 and I worked hard at it for 3 years, but like everything else in this life you got to have patients for your success to happen. I never thought that doing maintenance work would teach me about business ethics and how to apply yourself to get more jobs. I just kept at it and eventually it paid off. I got a job with a company called Gold Country Landscaping there I learned a lot about visionary techniques and focus to get the job done on time a right for the customer. Without that job I would never know how to portrait what the customer wanted. I did that for about 3 years while I made the decision to move into catering. catering gave me insight on how a corporate aspect works, and shortly found out that I couldn't just go by my own rules. I was working for the man now, and I had to put all my decisions and outlooks aside. Working for Eskaton Village in Grass Valley taught me a good amount about organization and work flow, how to prep work and be patient with the elderly. I found out though that working in the food industry wasn't for me so I ended up quitting that job after about a year of work.
Then I went into Retail. I worked in Retail for 5.5 years. Each place was just like the next. They all taught me how to be diligent, hard working, and motivated. To sell and distribute products to the customer. Assisting them with whatever needs they might have. Also to be organized work with pride and to get the job done well and on time. For example I was working at a grocery store up north called Safeway, and at Safeway we would get 1000 piece load in every night. We would take that load and distribute it between the proper aisles, filling holes on shelves, and combining products and to keep organization. I worked my way from night clerk to Assistant night manager to Day stock to Cashier. Being an assistant night manager at Safeway taught me about running a crew and bring organization to a whole new level. Now I had the responsibility to make sure the crew was doing their work and doing it correctly. Along with keeping the back room organized and the shelves filled. I also had to make sure all the products came in and that nothing was missing from the freight. This helped me establish myself as a leader in any work force and I can honestly say that I am glad to look back and to have had that experience.
In 2008 I had quit work all together, and fell into the wrong crowd. All I could think about was partying all the time and making money, and I saw some of my friends and how well they were doing and I wanted that. What I didn't know though was how it would affect me in the long run. So I started making money at this and I soon became a consumption of my own greed. I started falling off, running around doing drugs and drinking a lot. Next thing I know I was in front of a judge and was sentenced to 2 years of Rehab. At Rehab I found clarity in myself, and ended up graduating from there. The teachers there helped me find what was bothering me. It was all because I just wanted to be noticed as a strong individual. They didn't only help me find my flaws but they help me achieve what I wanted as a person in whole. Now I can say that I know what I want and have the acquired knowledge to get it. Thus, changing my life forever, and making me a better person all around.
What I Do Now;
Now I am a Recording/Mix/Mastering engineer, that is my true love in this industry. It is what I am into the most, and have been doing it the longest. I've been doing recording and mixing for about 5 years, 4.5 to be exact. I have worked on such equipment as Neve series consoles, and SSL consoles. Such as the Duality, and 9000. Both with fully loaded HD Pro Tools rig and outboard gear with patchbay's. Some of the outboard gear I have worked with would be Avalon tube amps and mic pre's, Distressor compressors, Midi verb multi effects processors, DBX 160 compressors, Lexicon reverb and delay units, Eventide reverb units, API mic pre's and compressors, EQ's such as Beringer, Neve, SSL, API, &GML. Some mic's I have worked with are Neumann U87, AKG C414, MXL4000, T.C. Electronics Earthworks, Shure Beta 52, PZM, Neumann U47, and many more. I also have worked on a Studer tape machine, recall system for Neve, and flying faders.
I started out working with a good amount of local artists such as Moon, Ronald Henderson, Reginald Garland (aka MrRegMoe), Dos, Brandon Foster (aka Koo Laid), Lyle Freeman(aka Boog), Calvin McCollugh (aka Cat Daddee), Aaron Alvarez, and many more. This has opened my eyes on so many different levels, not just recording wise but mixing wise also, because each artist has their own unique sound. Some of the listed talent above, I have had the honor of working with more than once. Such as Dos, and Moon. What I did do for Kulaks was take the initiative and recorded local artists on our 24 track recording studio, because how the signal flow goes there is like this. Equipment, such as guitars, drums, piano, amps, pedals, microphones (2 shure sm58's,1 shure sm7, 2 shure sm57's, 2 sennheiser 421's, 1 pzm, and 1 overhead) and so forth go into the FOH (Front of House), then the FOH feeds the main's and monitor wedges, mains, rear, and the 24 track recording studio in the back, where we have a Sony DMX R-100, and Pro Tools rig. Then from there the feed gets sent to another studio that is for broadcast to the web. That is the simple and short version of it. There are a lot of other things that are in the signal flow as well, such as splitters, DI Boxes, Crossover, Graphic EQ, 6 camera's, and lighting. So we record everyone that comes to the venue and if they want the recording we give it to them for a small fee. We use a Sony DMX R-100, with a triton as a slave, and pro tools running the recording. The recording turned out great, and after the show I came out and congratulated her on her performance and we have been friends ever since.
As you probably can already tell my second love of choice in this industry is Live Sound, whether it be stage work, Front of House work, or monitor work. I like doing it all. Just being there hearing the music, and how the people entertain is a sight in its very own. There is nothing more exhilarating the waiting for an artist to start playing so you can create the image behind them.
I just recently got into doing A&R work for artists. Booking gigs, helping promote, and focusing on their career to help them thrive. This is my third choice in this industry not only because I like helping the artists out, but because I am more management material. I can be ruthless if need be, I'm a good word of mouth and viral promoter, plus I can make an image golden and get anyone to want to be apart of it. I recently just picked up 6 new artists in the last week and they all have amazing talents. One named Poetiic, she can sing like a bird and spit a verse with intelligence. Another is Primetime a new up and coming Progressive house DJ from L.A. and he's definitely got the right focus and determination that it takes to make it.I am not going to list all the artists that I recently picked up, but you get the picture. They all have great talents and drive.
Then my fourth choice in this industry is Post work, as a Re-recording mixer, sound design artist, or post sound work in a studio. The reason why this is my third choice is because a lot of times in post people want you to have your own equipment meaning. Boom, shotgun mic, recorder, mixer, cables, and rig. As for me I only have 3 of those listed equipment items, and those are the cables,(1/4" and XLR) the rig(pro tools LE), and the mixer (Mbox mini). Plus I don't have any real on site work history, everything I have done was for me, just to practice and get good at doing Sync for video and sound, and mixing. The projects I have worked on are Stargate SG-1, Pighunt, and Legion, these are all remixes to what the originals are. I imported the sound and video for the project, synced it to timecode, and mixed the session for all of them.
​What I Can Do For You;
If hired, I could bring creativity, enthusiasm, dedication, fast pace work, and fun to the team to make a good honest and caring work environment. Not to mention, help provide good quality mixes on time and broadcast ready. Plus have great communication with the team to bring the best and fastest results. I take pride in my work therefore doing the best is always a must, and taking a break is only done when I am.
If you wish to request me for some upcoming work please note that It should be at least 2 weeks in advance. Thanks for reading I hope you have a good day and look forward to hearing from you.

Robert Eslick